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Engine Tune Up

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Auto Repair Services

Engine Tune Up

Based in Las Vegas, Nevada

How do I get a Quote?

Call now to schedule an appointment with our auto repair shop in Las Vegas and get a quote.

How long will service take?

Services can take anywhere from an hour to 48 hours depending on the repairs. All customers will have an estimated time frame on repairs for approval. Road Force Tech will be issuing a Timestamp in progress as repairs are being made.

Will I receive a detailed estimate for repairs?

Yes, Road Force will issue an estimate for all repairs. Each estimate will have to be approved by the customer before repairs can begin. During repairs if further parts or labor is required Road Force Tech will keep in contact with customers. Road Force Tech will then issue a full detailed Invoice with timestamp mechanic labor, parts, etc…

What is your policy on used auto parts?

Road Force Tech does not use used parts, all parts used are preferred OEM, based on customer request aftermarket parts are used. All customer supplied parts are voided parts and labor warranty.

Can I pay my invoice in installments?

Yes, However Road Force Tech will not release the vehicle until full payment is received. If NO payment is received within the 30 days after repairs have been made Road Force Tech will issue a Notice Of Intent To Lien.

Why are my brakes squeaking?

Your brakes can be squeaking for a number of reasons. You’ll be a lottery winner if the squeaking is caused by moisture and dirt built-up, which means your car brakes are still operational. In most cases squeaking is caused by worn Pads, in proper surface Rotors, Maladjusted Calipers. Road Force Tech will be happy to work on any brakes issue you may have.

Why did my tires wear out so quickly?

Tires wear out fast for the following issues: Improper inflation, Misaligned vehicles, Driving Conditions, Worn parts and Many other reasons. Road Force Tech can physically inspect your tires and determine the cause as to why your tires wore out.
